Frequently asked questions
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SEND MESSAGEWe put together & manage different named racing partnerships & syndicates, to bring together groups of like minded people to share ownership of racehorses.
This will depend on the cost of the horse, but usually 10 people. You will find this shown on each partnership & syndicate listing.
Once again this is dependent on the price of the horse & number of shareholders, but can range from £5,000 to £15,000 with a much lower cost the following year(s) to just cover the training fees etc…
The share price covers all expenses including the purchase & training of the horses up to the end of their racing season, including all vets bills, entry fees, transport, owners badge for race days & stable visits.
A smaller additional sum, which is clearly stated on the Terms & Conditions is due for the second & consecutive year after that for training fees & racing costs etc.
Yes, VAT is charged on each share but is reclaimed by Chelsea Thoroughbreds & paid back to the shareholder.
As it is impossible for one person be an expert in every department of thoroughbred racing, we are reliant on the proven track record of our trainers who all have all built their reputations by either using their own know how or being steered by professionals & experts that they have all built relationships with over time. We are delighted to be able to use their own formidable contacts for this. We will also occasionally purchase a horse in training & we use the advise of a number of shrewd judges who have a record second to none in this field.
We are unique because we have a “Club Base” that will welcome you seven days a week in The Sydney Arms, just off the Kings Road in the heart of Chelsea, London. This means we are able to regularly host Club gatherings. We also have great personal friendships with all of our trainers and everyone we deal with attached to Chelsea Thoroughbreds and want to extend those friendships to people who join Chelsea Thoroughbreds as owners. We act as your personal racing concierge & offer a very professional & personal level of service so that gives you the ownership experience we would want for ourselves.
Yes of course. We organise a yearling parade to give you the chance to see the horse(s) you would like to own shares in prior to them going into full training and then set dates prior to the flat season & try to organise a date during the busy season period when possible.
We pride ourselves on our personable level of service & owners are kept fully informed as to the progress & running plans of their horses. This is done primarily through email, but also by phone & mobile at shorter notice.
Chelsea Thoroughbreds makes available 1 owners badge for each 10% shareholder (or full share) for collection from the owners entrance on the day their horse runs. We try to offer more badges where possible and are usually successful, but this is in no way guaranteed. Sometimes extra badges can be purchased depending on the course. Owners will of course have access to the paddock & pre parade ring before the race as well as all the Owners facilities provided by the track.
Apart from the huge financial savings & cost effectiveness the club offers it’s owners, you will most certainly have more fun! Many of our members ARE outright racehorse owners but often find that the camaraderie is missing & the opportunity to network & meet like minded people is much of what it is all about. Also, you mathematically have a better chance of success being able to outlay your designated shareholding over a different number of horses.
We try to keep the overall cost of the shares down as much as possible & charge a fixed amount, per share, as a management fee. Also upon sale of the horse, if the proceeds exceed the original purchase price, the company takes 10% of the surplus.
Once the horse is sold the partnership / syndicate is wound up & accounts reviewed by the auditors. All surplus of income over expenses is distributed to the shareholders. Any deficit is consumed by the club.
No. Any purchase of a share in a Chelsea Thoroughbreds managed racehorse should be purchased solely for the enjoyment of racehorse ownership.